Museums & Interpretive Centers

The Museum & Arts Center

The Museum & Arts Center in the Sequim-Dungeness Valley (MAC) is Sequim’s cultural history and art museum. Rotating local history exhibits, including the Manis Mastodon and ongoing local art exhibits, are on display in the MAC Exhibit Center, 175 W. Cedar St. The MAC Exhibit Center also houses the Museum Store, which features unique gift items for sale. Open (winter hours) Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The MAC Archive, Photo Archives, and Whatton Resource Room for Historical Research are located at the DeWitt Center, 544 N. Sequim Ave. Open Wednesday & Friday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., or by appointment by calling (360) 681-2257. MAC’s research services are run entirely by volunteers.

Interpretative Centers

Dungeness River Audubon Center
2151 W. Hendrickson Rd.
(360) 681-4076

Interpretive center located at the Railroad Bridge Park. Informative displays of various types of wildlife native to the area as well as descriptions of the river’s ecosystem.